
The 26th Amendment is important because it allows people eighteen and older to vote. Not even Congress can deny it. It was ratified in 1971.

The 26th Amendment

            The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.

Summary of the 26th Amendment

           This Amendment states that everyone who is eighteen years or older has the right to vote. No one in any state or in the U.S. gets to take this right away from you if you are eighteen. Not even Congress.  Their vote cannot be denied if they are old enough. This Amendment was ratified in 1971.

The Importance of the 26th Amendment

             This Amendment is important because it allows everyone in the U.S. eighteen or older to vote. Even the black people both men and women.  Even though the Congress has the power to enforce this Amendment, they still can't take this right away.  They only have the right to enforce it.  It is also important because it doesn't allow people who are seventeen to vote.  So if someone that was eighteen in one day, they still couldn't vote because they aren't eighteen yet.